Street Trees

Street Trees


The community generally accepts that street trees are highly desirable and can transform a rather bleak street scene into an aesthetically pleasing urban environment. Practical benefits also result in that unsightly structures can be screened, traffic noise diminished and impurities in the air reduced. Nevertheless, quite serious problems can arise if careful thought is not given to both the types of trees selected for street planting and their location. Essential services such as sewerage, public mains and private drains/septic tanks, can be blocked by tree roots. Both overhead and underground electricity and water supplies can be interrupted and street infrastructure such as kerbing and footpaths damaged. This can lead to considerable inconvenience, expense and ill-feeling both to property owners and to public utilities. To limit this damage, certain restrictions have been imposed on the planting of trees in streets by Local Government, State Government and the public utility service authorities involved.

The policy is based upon the rules and regulations of the State Government, the public service authorities, and on practical experience in tree planting and tree maintenance in the Copper Coast Council, plus knowledge gained from associations engaged and interested in research and tree planting in municipalities. This policy is directed at establishing firm guidelines for the future development and retention of trees and shrubs planted on town streets within the Copper Coast Council.

Trees and Powerlines

Vegetation and trees form a key part of our urban and rural landscape and provide a wide range of aesthetic and environmental benefits and values.

There are however risks associated with trees in relation to their proximity to powerlines.

SA Power Networks delivers electricity to approximately 840,000 residential and business customers across South Australia and their network includes more than 71,000km of overhead powerlines.

SA Power Networks is required by legislation to inspect and clear vegetation from around powerlines at regular intervals of no more than three years.

Managing trees and vegetation near powerlines is critical to ensuring community safety, mitigating bushfire risk and providing a reliable and safe supply of electricity to our customers.

For more information about SA Power Networks' vegetation management program, they can be contacted on 13 12 61. You can also contact the Office of the Technical Regulator on 8226 5500. Or visit or

Fact Sheets and further information are available at: