Appealing an Expiation Notice

Transferring a Parking Expiation Notice

If you were not driving the motor vehicle at the time of the traffic offence
  • If the owner of the motor vehicle was not driving at the time of traffic offence when the Expiation Notice was issued, the owner is required to provide the details of the person who was.

  • A signed Statutory Declaration must be completed regarding the parking expiation, stating the responsible persons full name and address and be forwarded to Council.

If you did not own the motor vehicle at the time of the traffic offence
  • If you had transferred ownership of the motor vehicle prior to the time of the traffic offence when the Expiation Notice was issued, the previous owner can provide the new owners details with supporting evidence.

  • A signed Statutory Declaration must be completed regarding the parking expiation, stating the new owners full name and address, attach a copy of the disposal notice and be forwarded to Council.

Disputing / Appealing a Parking Expiation Notice

  • If you wish to dispute an Expiation Notice, a 'Submission for Review of Expiation Notice Form' must be completed and forwarded to Council. Upon receipt of your completed documentation, the Expiation Notice will be put 'on hold' pending a review. Once a decision has been made by the relevant person, Council will advise you in writing of the outcome.

  • Please be aware that Council cannot consider an appeal once the matter has been transferred to the Fines Enforcement and Recovery Unit, which occurs once the due date on the Reminder Notice has expired. Any enquiries after this stage will need to be referred to the Fines Enforcement and Recovery Officer by phoning 1800 659 538.

Electing to be Prosecuted

You are entitled to dispute the allegation that you committed the offence and elect to be prosecuted. If you elect to be prosecuted for the offence, you may get a summons. The summons will set out when and where to attend Court. Complete the appropriate section on the Expiation notice and post or deliver it to Copper Coast Council.

Other Appeals - Trifling

If you think the offence(s) was trifling apply to Copper Coast Council for a review of the infringement notice (Please click on the link for meaning of Trifling explanation of Section 4(2) Expiation of Offences Act 1996).