Draft North Beach Management Plan

Draft North Beach Management Plan

Succession Ecology have been engaged by The Copper Coast Council (Council) to develop the North Beach Management Plan (NBMP) for the northern area of North Beach, North Beach (South Australia). The area addressed by the NBMP extends from North Beach Road to the cliff top of Riley Cove. The impetus to develop the NBMP has developed through Council’s work with the Northern and Yorke Landscape Board (LSB) and the North Beach Progress Association (PA) to determine the key management issues and potential management options for North Beach. The NBMP has been informed by several elements including the key management issues and options identified, a site assessment, two in-person stakeholder workshops and on-going consultation with Council.

Interested persons are invited to make a written submission to the Chief Executive Officer, via email info@coppercoast.sa.gov.au or via mail to PO Box 396, Kadina 5554, by close of business on 31st January 2025. At the completion of the public consultation period, Council will consider its position and plan moving forward, having regard to any submissions received.

Further information about the Draft North Beach Management Plan can be obtained by contacting Tim Neumann, Director Infrastructure Services on 88281200 or via info@coppercoast.sa.gov.au.

Downloadable Draft North Beach Management Plan

Copies are also available for inspection and/or purchase at Council’s principal office, 51 Taylor Street, Kadina.