Customer Service Officer (Weekend Casual)

Job type: Casual/Vacation
Career level: Not Applicable
Application close date: 31 Mar 2025 9-00 am

The Copper Coast Council is seeking Expressions of Interest for a Customer Service Officer to join our Tourism/Library/Customer Service team in a Weekend Casual position. If you wish to proceed, please take the time to read the position description found at the end of the applicant information kit. After reading the position description if you have any inquiries regarding the position you can telephone the People & Culture Officer on 8828 1200 for further information.

Lodging your expression of interest.

  1. Applications must clearly state the position being applied for and addressed to the People & Culture Officer, Copper Coast Council, PO Box 396, KADINA SA 5554.
  2. If hand delivered, they should be marked ‘Private and Confidential’ and addressed to People & Culture Officer and delivered to the Customer Service Counter at 51 Taylor Street, KADINA SA 5554.
  3. Applications can also be lodged via email to